How to build a RPA resume?

Hi RPA Team,

I have given 5 important tips for preparing your RPA resume.

1) Legible : Your resume is a brand of yours. Use legible fonts to make the interviewer easy to understand your qualifications for the role.The most common font to use is Times New Roman, in black and size 12 points. Highlight the heading with Bold and 14 sizes points. Never put logos of the RPA tools in each pages of your resume to show that you are a certified candidate. 

2) Reverse Chronological Order : Put all your recent activities first and the rest one after the other in all fields like Work Experience, Educational Qualifications, Technical Skills etc... As you are a RPA candidate give importance to your trained RPA tool skills and projects. 

3) Never over emphasize : Avoid writing that you have all knowledge of the tool in bulletin points. Especially statements like "Rich experience in control room", " Excellent in exceptional handling". Interviewers will definitely get bored seeing the same story again and again for pages. Try to build one or two page profile explaining only the most important things in the resume. More simpler the resume, the more attractive it is to the interviewer. 

4) Avoid Errors : Check even ten times for any spelling mistakes in your resume. Use online spell checker for building an error free resume. Avoid including hobbies and self declaration  as those are considered out fashioned. Explain each of your RPA projects in less than 4 lines. 

5) Be Ethical : Don't have multiple resumes with names in different forms (Full name, name with initials, only first name) and different contact numbers. Recruiters are smart enough to identify fraudulent despite going through hundreds of resumes a day. Similarly do not show fake project experience as some other person would have also written the same project telling that he/she is the lone developer of the entire process. 

- - - -  All The Best - - - - 

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